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Let’s talk about Passion

And everything in between

Sushanth Shajil
4 min readApr 29, 2023


In 2022, I went through a phase where I was existing, rather than thriving. I carried out my day-to-day tasks and didn’t really bat an eye as to what I really wanted out of life. As time flew by, & after having conversations with multiple people (adults), I concluded that life was going to always be this way. Taxes, adulthood, and long painful commutes to work. Here’s where I was wrong.


  • Passion is not something you find, but something you create.
  • Opportunity never falls on your lap, you have to be willing to work for it, day-in & day-out.
  • You are in control of how you perceive your world; things happen, but your outlook is your call.
  • Being present is everything; you miss out a lot if you are ruminating about the past or the future.

Self-reflection is the answer to a lot of unasked questions

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always come across quotes or videos on social media quoting that “one must find their passion” and if one does, that equates to a lifetime of bliss. The assumed happily ever after.

I think the current generation have been brainwashed to believe that they must ‘find’ their passion. Sooner the better.

Is that really true though?


You’re telling me you still haven’t found yours?


Back when I had no clue either, I asked myself what I would want to do for the rest of my life. Something I’d truly enjoy doing.

Now, what would that look like for young Sushanth?

Design was something I loved to do. Designing interfaces, exploring user journeys, problem solving! That what I loved doing! The creative freedom; the ability to make someone’s life easier!


I don’t need to sell the career idea to you. You can decide if it’s worth your time. All I’m here to tell you is that, It wasn’t about finding my passion, it was always about me! I wanted to be the very best at what I do. Not because I want validation for it, no. But because whatever work that I did, went out under my name. The quality of work that I put out resembles who I am. What I do.

If I pour my heart and soul into it, it’s definitely going to be worth something. Worth going the extra mile, worth going above & beyond. That’s what it’s all about. Doing what you love.

There’s never a ‘right time’

How often do you find yourself wanting to pickup an old hobby? or something you always wanted to do. Like start a business? Sorry to disappoint, but that ‘someday’ is not coming anytime soon.

We lie to ourselves that eventually one day we will do it. We will build that cozy cafe, we will build that business or we will someday publish our books. But important things in life don’t come easy.

If someone wants to publish their book, one has to put in the effort, day-in and day-out. Going the extra mile even when they don’t feel like it.

People do things only when they find motivation, smart ones just get started. All i’m trying to say from what I’ve learnt is that, the thing that we always want to do, the endeavours & opportunities that we dream of, will never show up on our doorstep. It must be earned. You put in the effort, your reap your reward.

How you react changes the way you look at things

Let me start off with an example. I always used to complain about my city’s alarming traffic problems almost every day. Although the reality of it was all true. I found myself getting more and more frustrated as time passed. It went in tandem with whenever I stepped out. I could go all day to complain but here’s where I took a step back and began to wonder.

What if I simply chose to concentrate on the positives of it? What if I solely focused on enjoying the ride? Play some of my favourite jams, and truly be grateful for the time I spend in my car?

Pure bliss, and some much needed ME time! My mood would drastically improve — or, so I assume.

You get the point.

“What you’re supposed to do when you don’t like a thing is — change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. Don’t complain.”
Maya Angelou, Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now

Being Present is everything

I’m the guy who has clocked over 8,926 minutes meditating (cumulative)!
That’s right. You would assume that I’m the calmest, most zen person to exist.

The facts however, are far from the truth.

I still ruminate over the past, the future and all the arguments I could’ve won. My mind spirals deeply but physically, I look just fine.

One of the core principles I learnt about meditation is that, you must always take a step back from your thoughts, and reflect on what you should be doing instead.

In other words, be present.

Don’t get me wrong, you can never get rid of your thoughts, but you can learn to notice when these thoughts arrive, and choose not to indulge in them.

Following this habit has changed my life for the better. More mindfully eating, better decision making and a much calmer outlook on life.

“Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it”
— Dorothy Thompson

All these little rules or ‘north stars’ (as I’d like to call it) bring immense value to me.

I hope it does the same for you.

